Weekly Update: January, 10
Here’s an update from Our Sisters’ School for January 11, 2025.
Who Am I non fiction historical figure book reports.
Dear OSS Families,
Welcome back from winter break; it feels like winter has truly arrived!
We kicked off 2025 energetically, and encourage you to join us!
This week, among other things, 5th graders made movies using green screens in Creative Suite class, and in Humanities they wrote book reports about historical figures. Enjoy these fun photos.
Video creation using green screens.
Family Service Hours
If you are looking to fulfill your Family Service Hours please see the SignUp form and/or reach out to Ms. McSweeny to see what you can do. We especially need support to transport students to Community Partnerships and swim class on Friday, 1/17 (at 1:15pm and 2pm).
Know your Rights
In the spirit of safety and allyship, we share this “Know your Rights” article for immigrant families. Let’s be informed on this topic.
Marquee Theatre Academy is generously offering tickets to see Annie March 7th, 8th (7pm shows) or 9th (2pm show). All shows are at BCC in Fall River; it is a beautiful theatre. If you are interested, please email Ms. Cinnamond (gcinnamond@oursistersschool.org) and let her know which day you wish to attend, and how many tickets you will want. Our updated deadline for reserving tickets is Jan 31st.
Alford Lake Camp has a January 31st deadline for their financial aid application. Our Sisters’ School has carefully curated a collection of sleep-away camps and programs we recommend, and we can help you get scholarships to attend. We strongly encourage you to start looking now. If you have any questions please email Ms. Sanders or Ms. Herman; we are eager to support your exploration of summer opportunities!
This link to the calendar on our OSS website is a valuable reference tool. Listed below are events you definitely want to have in mind:
Jan 17 ~ End of 2nd Quarter; report cards distributed Jan 31
Jan 23 ~ Community Showcase of Grade 7HerStory, 4:30-5:25
Jan 27 ~ No School (Professional Day)
Stay warm this weekend!
Ms. Herman and the OSS Team
Making Waves Podcast Episode 2: Holiday Traditions
In this episode, learn about Our Sister’s School podcasters and the diverse stories that define their identity.
In this episode, learn more about the diverse holiday traditions celebrated by Our Sister’s School students.
Photos: OSS Silent Dance Party
OSS Students spent Tuesday’s morning meeting dancing during a silent dance party.

On Tuesday, December 10, Our Sisters’ School students spent the morning dancing and singing during a silent dance party. Guest speaker Mikey Monteiro and Abstrakt Entertainment hosted the morning meeting and provided a secret dance track that could only be heard with headphones. We want to thank Mikey Monteiro for their generosity in hosting the event for us.
Fanfare Project
Fifth graders prepare a fanfare and appreciation message for friends and family.
Fifth graders partner with the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra members to deliver a fanfare message of gratitude to friends and family. Students spent the past two weeks studying with Terry Wolkowicz, Director of Education at the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra. The group identified someone to offer their appreciation for and then wrote a heartfelt message, along with an original fanfare, performed by New Bedford Symphony Orchestra professional musicians.
Making Waves Podcast Episode 1: Who Are We?
In this episode, learn about Our Sister’s School podcasters and the diverse stories that define their identity.
Students in the podcasting class present the Making Waves Podcast. In this episode, meet the students behind the podcast, and explore their diverse stories of identity, community, and more.