“It’s a privilege to provide a dynamic learning environment for hard-working girls, and I appreciate the many team members — students, teachers, parents, volunteers, and donors — who make it happen.”
When people ask me about Our Sisters’ School, they are often confused because our name sounds religious. In reality, the name is a tribute to the brave women of our historic city of New Bedford. As a tuition-free, all-girls middle school serving grades 5 - 8, we’re proud to be named for “Sister Sailors,” the daring women and role models who joined whaling expeditions in the early 1800s. So yes, we’re brave, and no, we’re not religiously affiliated.
As we only accept students from low-income families, people also ask how we’re funded. They’re amazed to hear that due to being an all-girls school, we don’t qualify for state and federal funding or charter school status. All our financial support must come entirely from grants and private donations. We have to raise everything we spend to run our humble yet powerful school. We are humble because we live simply, and powerful because our students embody great promise and achieve impressive outcomes.
People ask what drew me to OSS and why I’m so committed to the School and its mission. That’s an easy question to answer: It’s a privilege to provide a dynamic learning environment for hard-working girls who wouldn’t otherwise have access to a school that addresses, as we do, their academic and personal potential. It’s also amazing to witness the impact that an all-girls middle school program can have when it comes to instilling self-confidence and providing opportunities.
As you visit our website, you’ll learn more about our mission, curriculum, staff, volunteers, and amazing student body. If you have any remaining questions about OSS, please send me an email or swing by the School. I’d love to help you better understand what we do and how you might get involved as a family, teacher, tutor, volunteer, or donor. When you come to OSS, you’ll feel the productive and positive energy that buzzes through the building.