School Life

  • Active Civic Engagement

    Each academic year, students participate in impactful service, advocacy, or activism beyond OSS. As volunteers, they gain confidence and practical experience. Regular opportunities to contribute help students evolve into engaged community members, accountable citizens, and inspirational peers.

  • Clubs

    Led by OSS teachers and our dedicated volunteers, clubs at OSS bring a wealth of enrichment activities that complement classroom learning. Whether it's basketball, cooking, dance, knitting, outdoor adventures, podcasting, robotics, or the art of stained glass, we host a diverse array of clubs. We invite you to become a part of this initiative and share your special skills with us. Your participation is truly valued and enriches the tapestry of our school community.

  • Morning Speaker Program

    Every Monday morning, we host a community member who speaks to our students. The goal of the Morning Speaker Program is to engage and inspire OSS students. Speakers share life stories and career paths as a way for our students to learn about the many opportunities that are available in their futures. The program is also a wonderful way for speakers to learn more about OSS and to meet the students and staff. If you or someone you know is interested in being a morning speaker, please contact the Head of School at 508.994.1255 or email

  • Outdoor Classroom

    OSS recognizes the value of an outdoor learning space. Our Outdoor Classroom enhances and strengthens the formal and informal academic experience for all students and community members. Use of this space encourages innovation, design thinking, and compassion for nature. OSS students love what they create in the Outdoor Classroom each year, from the vegetable and flower gardens to performances and art projects, from science experiments to fitness and unstructured play.

  • Secondary School Readiness

    Our Sisters' School prepares students for success in high school, college, and beyond. Many OSS graduates are highly competitive candidates for financial aid from independent schools. Our graduates thrive in high school and college, helping to break the cycle of poverty that has historically challenged New Bedford. The Secondary School Program supports graduates and families, aligning interests with the best options.

  • Student Council

    The OSS Student Council builds community through events and activities that uphold our Core Values of Excellence, Community, Civic Engagement, and Leadership. Collaborative projects such as Spirit Week and Field Day impact the School and the community for the better. Our initiatives also extend to the wider community, as exemplified by Laundromat Literacy, where books are placed in local laundromats, enabling children to read while their families do laundry.

  • Summer Programs

    Studies show that children who are engaged in learning and are active during the summer months retain more of what they learn in school, and return more prepared in the fall. For OSS students, summer provides a time for travel, new experiences, and exploration. All of our students participate in some form of structured summer activity. OSS assists students and their families in selecting appropriate summer programs. To learn more about our Summer Program offerings click here.