Weekly Update: January 24
Here’s an Our Sisters’ School update for January 24th.
This week was full of activity, and our new blog format allows us to share photos more easily. It includes content we are prepared to share, but certainly not even close to everything interesting that happened! Next week, for example, we will showcase the 7th grade HerStory presentations; it’ll be something to look forward to. And, before you dig into the learning, remember that the upcoming required family meeting is Wednesday Feb 5th at 5:30, via Zoom. It will include a presentation on summer camps, and you can prepare by exploring the link below and browsing.
The news these days compels us to ensure our community is informed should someone be struggling with citizenship status and need to Know their Rights or plan Family Preparedness. We have Know Your Rights materials available in the front office and The Immigrants Assistance Center can provide additional support. We know that learning happens best when students feel safe, and we are committed to supporting all families living in our community, and all students attending our schools. We hope you feel encouraged by the learning moments illustrated below. Notice the hard to see arrows and click through the brief photo galleries:
5th grade Lit circles
5th graders are practicing reading and discussing a text together. Reading a book in a small lit-circle allows students to practice being self-directed learners as well as using the Community Core tools Value Identity, Let Go of the Familiar, Communicate Clearly, and Take Space Make Space.
Art Court
In Creative Suite classes, 6th graders were challenged to craft and present a persuasive, evidence-based argument in OSS Superior Art Court. Their purpose was to engage and persuade the judge and jury that a particular professional does -or does not- practice like artists.
Suffrage Play
8th graders are engaged in an in-depth study of the women’s suffrage movement, including reading selections from Lifting as We Climb: Black Women’s Fight for the Ballot Box. They analyzed the movement through an intersectional lens, centering the experiences of Black women. As a culmination of their studies, students are working with Judith Kalaora, a theatre educator and owner of History at Play, which is funded by the Mass Cultural Council to showcase what they have learned. The performance is set to showcase next Thursday, January 31st, 4:30-6pm. We hope you will be in the audience!
Science + Creative Suite Grade 6 visits the New Bedford Art Museum
In science, 6th grade is learning about Earth’s changing climate, and one of the places changing the most is the Arctic. At the Art Museum, students explored sculptures, video footage, and photographs of icebergs floating in the ocean around Greenland and Canada. It is not every day that one looks at huge pieces of freshwater ice. Icebergs form when they break off of glaciers. We were inspired to study our own “icebergs” in a science experiment!
Veterinarian Margot Penney
Margot has been joining 7th grade science for Wednesdays in January for our Cells & Body Systems unit. Margot has been bringing slides of blood samples, bacteria swabs, and more for us to investigate under the microscopes. This week we had a special guest - Margot’s dog Marzipan! Students got to give Marzipan a physical exam by checking her teeth, looking in her ears, and listening to her heart.
This link to the calendar on our OSS website is a valuable reference tool. Listed below are events you definitely want to keep in mind:
Jan 25th OSS Admissions Presentation 10am
Jan 25th NB National Park event, 1-3pm
Jan 27th PD for staff; No School
Jan 30 Whaling Museum trip for 6th grade 8:45am-2:30pm
Jan 30 Suffrage Play by 8th grade, 4:30-6pm
Have a lovely long weekend. See you Tuesday!
Ms. Herman and the OSS Team
Weekly Update: January 17
Dear OSS Families,
Today we end the second quarter of our school year. Teachers will be busy grading and writing comments for report cards, which will be sent home in 2 weeks. We are energized by all that has been accomplished, and excited for what lies ahead! In this update we often highlight learning moments from the week, just to offer a taste of what we were up to:
Eighth graders who applied to independent schools for high school completed their applications due on January 15. This is a considerable process — students write and revise numerous essays and complete interviews. Teachers have an opportunity to share students’ strengths and community involvement through recommendations. We recognize this important milestone and the learning and self-reflection that happens through the process.
In case you want to visit, next weekend some 5th grade Humanities classwork will be included in an exhibit at the New Bedford National Park. Saturday, January 25th, from 1-3pm. You can visit with the artist and see their work!
Editing HerStory presentations.
7th graders are preparing their HerStory presentations for Jan 23, 4:30-5:15pm. 8th graders are working with guest artist Judith Kalaora to tell the story of the Suffrage movement, Jan 30, 4:30-6pm.
The editing process.
Please check your inbox for an email sent by Ms. Sanders, who shared information and a link to our summer programs website. It’s time to start planning for Summer 2025, so we hope you’ll explore both sleepaway and day camp options with your student. Please be in touch with Ms. Sanders (asanders@oursistersschool.org) with any questions.
Friday Folders include a 1 page reminder of drop off and pick up traffic patterns. The point we are most concerned with is encouraging morning drop off to be 1 line, so that students are safe when they cross to the building. If there are two lanes at drop off, an accident is more likely to occur.
We encourage families to take part in MLK Day events in our community. “Bridging Divides: The Legacy of Hope” is the theme of the city’s annual commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, to be held on Sunday, Jan. 19. The event honoring the slain civil rights leader is organized by the city’s Human Rights Commission. It will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, 136 Rivet St. Find out more here.
This link to the calendar on our OSS website is a valuable reference tool. Listed below are events you definitely want to keep in mind:
TODAY Jan 17 end of 2nd quarter
MONDAY Jan 20 MLK Day; No School - Service day event from 9:30am to noon at GiftsToGive for those who signed up with Ms. McSweeny
Jan 23 7th grade HerStory Exhibit 4:30-5:15pm
Jan 24th End current Clubs session
Jan 25th NB National Park event, 1-3pm
Jan 27th PD for staff; No School
Jan 30 Whaling Museum trip for 6th grade 8:45am-2:30pm
Jan 30 Suffrage Play by 8th grade, 4:30-6pm
In the spirit of MLK, have a meaningful weekend,
Ms. Herman and the OSS Team
Weekly Update: January, 10
Here’s an update from Our Sisters’ School for January 11, 2025.
Who Am I non fiction historical figure book reports.
Dear OSS Families,
Welcome back from winter break; it feels like winter has truly arrived!
We kicked off 2025 energetically, and encourage you to join us!
This week, among other things, 5th graders made movies using green screens in Creative Suite class, and in Humanities they wrote book reports about historical figures. Enjoy these fun photos.
Video creation using green screens.
Family Service Hours
If you are looking to fulfill your Family Service Hours please see the SignUp form and/or reach out to Ms. McSweeny to see what you can do. We especially need support to transport students to Community Partnerships and swim class on Friday, 1/17 (at 1:15pm and 2pm).
Know your Rights
In the spirit of safety and allyship, we share this “Know your Rights” article for immigrant families. Let’s be informed on this topic.
Marquee Theatre Academy is generously offering tickets to see Annie March 7th, 8th (7pm shows) or 9th (2pm show). All shows are at BCC in Fall River; it is a beautiful theatre. If you are interested, please email Ms. Cinnamond (gcinnamond@oursistersschool.org) and let her know which day you wish to attend, and how many tickets you will want. Our updated deadline for reserving tickets is Jan 31st.
Alford Lake Camp has a January 31st deadline for their financial aid application. Our Sisters’ School has carefully curated a collection of sleep-away camps and programs we recommend, and we can help you get scholarships to attend. We strongly encourage you to start looking now. If you have any questions please email Ms. Sanders or Ms. Herman; we are eager to support your exploration of summer opportunities!
This link to the calendar on our OSS website is a valuable reference tool. Listed below are events you definitely want to have in mind:
Jan 17 ~ End of 2nd Quarter; report cards distributed Jan 31
Jan 23 ~ Community Showcase of Grade 7HerStory, 4:30-5:25
Jan 27 ~ No School (Professional Day)
Stay warm this weekend!
Ms. Herman and the OSS Team