Weekly Update: January 17
Dear OSS Families,
Today we end the second quarter of our school year. Teachers will be busy grading and writing comments for report cards, which will be sent home in 2 weeks. We are energized by all that has been accomplished, and excited for what lies ahead! In this update we often highlight learning moments from the week, just to offer a taste of what we were up to:
Eighth graders who applied to independent schools for high school completed their applications due on January 15. This is a considerable process — students write and revise numerous essays and complete interviews. Teachers have an opportunity to share students’ strengths and community involvement through recommendations. We recognize this important milestone and the learning and self-reflection that happens through the process.
In case you want to visit, next weekend some 5th grade Humanities classwork will be included in an exhibit at the New Bedford National Park. Saturday, January 25th, from 1-3pm. You can visit with the artist and see their work!
Editing HerStory presentations.
7th graders are preparing their HerStory presentations for Jan 23, 4:30-5:15pm. 8th graders are working with guest artist Judith Kalaora to tell the story of the Suffrage movement, Jan 30, 4:30-6pm.
The editing process.
Please check your inbox for an email sent by Ms. Sanders, who shared information and a link to our summer programs website. It’s time to start planning for Summer 2025, so we hope you’ll explore both sleepaway and day camp options with your student. Please be in touch with Ms. Sanders (asanders@oursistersschool.org) with any questions.
Friday Folders include a 1 page reminder of drop off and pick up traffic patterns. The point we are most concerned with is encouraging morning drop off to be 1 line, so that students are safe when they cross to the building. If there are two lanes at drop off, an accident is more likely to occur.
We encourage families to take part in MLK Day events in our community. “Bridging Divides: The Legacy of Hope” is the theme of the city’s annual commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, to be held on Sunday, Jan. 19. The event honoring the slain civil rights leader is organized by the city’s Human Rights Commission. It will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, 136 Rivet St. Find out more here.
This link to the calendar on our OSS website is a valuable reference tool. Listed below are events you definitely want to keep in mind:
TODAY Jan 17 end of 2nd quarter
MONDAY Jan 20 MLK Day; No School - Service day event from 9:30am to noon at GiftsToGive for those who signed up with Ms. McSweeny
Jan 23 7th grade HerStory Exhibit 4:30-5:15pm
Jan 24th End current Clubs session
Jan 25th NB National Park event, 1-3pm
Jan 27th PD for staff; No School
Jan 30 Whaling Museum trip for 6th grade 8:45am-2:30pm
Jan 30 Suffrage Play by 8th grade, 4:30-6pm
In the spirit of MLK, have a meaningful weekend,
Ms. Herman and the OSS Team