Weekly Update: February 28, 2025

You may have noticed Ms. Pires working to facilitate a speedier morning drop off, and at Community Meeting on Wednesday we talked to students about how they can help things move quickly. We want to keep it safe and efficient. Please pay close attention to Ms. Pires’ efforts to facilitate the strategy that 2-3 cars (but not more) can drop students at the same time, and then roll gently toward the exit. We are calling it a familiar “Stop, Drop and Roll.”

Our Family Engagement Committee is looking for contributions to a calendar raffle fundraiser which we’ll play this spring.  Perhaps you have a small business and you’d like to let our community know about what you do. You could donate an item or a gift card as part of the fun!  Please email jhachem@oursistersschool.org and we’ll make sure your business is included! ALSO you could fill out this fun survey about the restaurants and places you hope we can partner with on fundraisers.  Thanks!

Discord is an online platform for socializing, and it is not appropriate for middle schoolers.  We are calling everyone’s attention to this so that we can all be more aware.  Consider this our version of a Public Service Announcement.  For a full explanation of Discord reference the parent’s guide at  CommonSense Media.  Discord does not have a strong age verification process, and that makes it possible for younger individuals to access content intended for 18+.

Dendrites Conference

Before February break we hosted a “Dendrites Conference” and explored how we learn. Workshops covered a variety of topics, including:

  • How to use Google Suite tools to stay organized.

  • The impact of social media on the brain.

  • Ways to manage stress and take care of our brains.

  • How the brain works (check out this student-friendly book for more details!).

  • And even the chance to see and hold an actual brain!

Our event was an engaging way to learn about our brains, and how to maximize and care for them!

Maintaining Connections

On Thursday, many of our 5th and 6th graders reconnected with their former teachers and shared about cherished OSS moments like Friday clubs, Brantwood and their Hear Me Roar projects.

The pure joy expressed by students and their teachers was heartwarming, and the room was filled with nostalgia and excitement! We thank all the former teachers who attended our event and helped make it special, and we look forward to continuing this OSS tradition for years to come.


Boat Building

Boat building season is upon us.  Each year our students learn to saw, use adhesives, and follow plans. They also learn to use power tools like drills and impact drivers. 5th graders are making 1/16th model Bevin row boats, like the ones we use at CBC. 6th graders have finished the boats they started last year, and will be building outdoor benches.

7th graders are working on their T37 remote control sailboats and are planning to sail them when we return to CBC in April. 8th graders are working on their skateboards; they built them last year and are working on the art they planned for them. Each student will have a custom skateboard once it is finished!


Community Information

Walt’s Closet is announcing a partnership with the nonprofit Give ‘n Glow, providing free beauty products to women in need.  "Access to beauty products can be a catalyst for self-confidence, empowerment, and personal growth – we look to provide this through community, positivity and support."

Give ‘n Glow will be providing free make-up, skin care and hair care products, along with consultations for all attendees. April 12th, 10:00 am – 12:30 pm, New Bedford YMCA Gymnasium.


This link to the calendar on our OSS website is a valuable reference tool.  Below are some key dates:

  • March - Women’s History and Climate Justice Months

  • March 8 - YMCA Sharing the Harvest Student Service Event from 10 to 12. Sign Up form in Friday Folders today. 15 spots available. Ms. McSweeny will confirm attendance via email next week. 

  • March 17 - Professional Day; No School for students

  • March 12- STEAM the Streets assembly at OSS

  • March 28 - End of Q3 

  • March 29th (Saturday) - 8:30-12:30 ~ Greenlight for Girls at Bridgewater

Please try to prioritize rest this weekend. Cold and flu is definitely going around, and we want to keep healthy!

Ms. Herman and the OSS Team


Weekly Update: February 14, 2025