Weekly Update: March 7, 2025

Community Core Tools

At OSS, we strive to think through our Community Core Values and Tools. In other words, when considering life, we lean on these ideas to help guide the decisions we make. We reference these tools throughout the school day, and each quarter, focus on a new collection of these “Tools.”

This is our current bundle of Community Core Tools: Assume Goodwill, Choose Healthy Relationships, Strive for Accuracy, Say and Do the Unpopular, Recognize Community Breakdown, and Take Initiative.

Have you practiced a CC Tool today? If so, which one(s)?! When, and how?

We often hear from families that they embrace our CC Tools at home too, and we’ve even heard encouraging stories of dinner table conversations about them!

Has your family embraced Community Core at home? We are curious and would love to hear about it. Here is a link to share your story.



This link to the calendar on our OSS website is a valuable reference tool.  Below are some key dates:

  • March - Women’s History and Climate Justice Months

  • Pursue summer opportunities!

  • March 8 - YMCA Sharing the Harvest Student Service Event from 10 to 12.

  • March 12- STEAM the Streets assembly at OSS

  • March 17 - Professional Day; No School for students

  • March 22 - Optional Family Service Day

  • March 28 - End of 3rd Quarter!

  • March 29 (Saturday) - 8:30-12:30 ~ Greenlight for Girls at Bridgewater


The New Bedford Light recognizes the powerful work of OSS students: This week we were honored and excited to see our students’ work celebrated in a beautiful article about the power and importance of art. The reference, a bold exclamation point at the end of the article, recognized the power of our students’ voices, lifted through their art.


If you are interested in adding fun activities to your summer plans, we have free programs available for OSS families. We would love to have your student join us! Please use this link to access our summer program registration form; be sure to complete registration by Friday, March 21

If you’d like more information about any program, reach out to Ms. Sanders (email asanders@oursistersschool.org or call/text 774-328-6694). Thank you!


March is Women’s History Month - a time to celebrate and honor the achievements of women around the world. During Community Meeting we introduced the theme #AccelerateAction, and brainstormed ways to build a more equitable and inclusive world through taking action

This month, OSS 7th and 8th graders will travel to the State House for Women’s Advocacy Day on March 24. They will speak with legislators and use their voice and agency in very real ways. This is just one example of how OSS empowers young women to be brave and innovative changemakers. 

We encourage you to speak with your OSS student about the women in your life who inspire you, and brainstorm what it means to accelerate action in our community. Find your own ways to celebrate and honor our ancestors, sisters, and allies – ensuring that women’s history remains visible, valued, and celebrated for all generations.


Community Information

If you signed up for tickets to see Annie this weekend, then you got a reminder email from Ms. Cinnamond today. Tickets will be held at Will Call. Enjoy the show!

We added service opportunities to the Family Service Sign up. Check it out here and sign up if you are able. Family Service Hours that are not completed by May 31st (March 31st for 8th grade families) are billed at $20/hr.

Have a great weekend,

Ms. Herman and the OSS Team


Weekly Update: February 28, 2025